Souther, Brandy Jolene2014-03-142014-03-142005-07-25etd-07282005-101214 study examined the effects of guar gum and xanthan gum on flax supplemented breads through objective and sensory testing. Breads containing flaxseed and gums were found to have a significantly (p<0.05) higher water activity than the control bread. Control bread was also found to have a higher (p<0.05) volume while flax breads containing guar gum had a significant (p<0.05) decrease in volume. Control bread and bread containing guar gum were significantly (p<0.05) harder in crumb texture. Breads with flax and xanthan gum displayed a significant (p<0.05) amount of springiness. While there was no significant (p>0.05) difference in peroxide values among bread samples, control bread had a lower (p<0.05) anisidine value indicating a decrease in hydroperoxide breakdown. While not significant (p>0.05), bread containing xanthan gum had a lower anisidine value than the other treatments. Sensory analysis found bread with both gums to be moister (p<0.05) and have a strong (p<0.05) yeasty aroma and fresher flavor. Control bread was found to have the least (p<0.05) yeasty aroma and taste significantly (p<0.05) less bitter but more stale.enIn Copyrightflaxseedyeast breadguar gumxanthan gumantioxidantThe Effect of Xanthan Gum and Guar Gum on Enhancing the Quality and Preventing Lipid Rancidity in Yeast Bread Supplemented with FlaxseedThesis