Turner, Hamilton Allen2015-01-232015-01-232015-01-22vt_gsexam:4185http://hdl.handle.net/10919/51209Seamless interconnection of smart mobile devices and cloud services is a key goal in modern mobile computing. Mobile Cloud Computing is the holistic integration of contextually-rich mobile devices with computationally-powerful cloud services to create high value products for end users, such as Apple's Siri and Google's Google Now product. This coupling has enabled new paradigms and fields of research, such as crowdsourced data collection, and has helped spur substantial changes in research fields such as vehicular ad hoc networking. However, the growth of Mobile Cloud Computing has resulted in a number of new challenges, such as testing large-scale Mobile Cloud Computing systems, and increased the importance of established challenges, such as ensuring that a user's privacy is not compromised when interacting with a location-aware service. Moreover, the concurrent development of the Infrastructure as a Service paradigm has created inefficiency in how Mobile Cloud Computing systems are executed on cloud platforms. To address these gaps in the existing research, this dissertation presents a number of software and algorithmic solutions to 1) preserve user locational privacy, 2) improve the speed and effectiveness of deploying and executing Mobile Cloud Computing systems on modern cloud infrastructure, and 3) enable large-scale research on Mobile Cloud Computing systems without requiring substantial domain expertise.ETDIn CopyrightMobile Cloud ComputingLocational AnonymityDeployment OptimizationDistributed Smartphone EmulationOptimizing, Testing, and Securing Mobile Cloud Computing Systems For Data Aggregation and ProcessingDissertation