Catterson, T. M.Menczer, K.Maker, J. M.LoTombe, V. W.2016-04-192016-04-1920064172_PEAReportFINALDOC.pdf rehabilitation has been an important part of the USAID portfolio in Southern Sudan for some time. Although some of these investments were clearly emergency in nature, others were funded with USAID Development Assistance resources and therefore subject to the Agency's environmental procedures (22CFR216). Under these regulations, road rehabilitation falls into a category of activities always requiring an environmental assessment because of an automatic positive threshold decision. This Programmatic Environment Assessment (PEA) was carried out to meet those requirements.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightRural developmentEnvironmental impactsDisaster recoveryFragile statesResource management toolsTransportation infrastructureRoad rehabilitationSudanEnvironmental managementEcosystem GovernanceSudan transitional environment program: Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) of road rehabilitation activities in Southern Sudan: Final reportTechnical report