Kamruzzaman, Md2020-02-172020-02-172020-02-13http://hdl.handle.net/10919/96889Research on the glass ceiling are mainly abstract or historical, identifying the invisible barrier that continues to prevent women and people of color from elevation to top echelons of companies. This study specifically focused on women, and surveyed 234 female executives in the hospitality sector. The research used factor analysis to determine the fundamental factors that could help or impede the advancement of women to executive positions. Results suggest that there are four dimensions that include advertising attributes, eight dimensions related to women's personal approaches and four dimensions related to business strategies for promoting women's professional careers. The four essential qualities are: sufficient temperament, street smarts, political know-how and intellect (although the last aspect has the lowest effect on promotions). These include: being involved in leadership and professional development, making sacrifices, establishing support systems (including mentors) and willing to make improvements (including moving to new places or employers). The organizational considerations include these four aspects: systematic procedures, such as recognizing talented people and preparing people for promotion; rejecting negative stereotypes; and empowering and supporting women in their search of promotion. While the components relevant to advancing women can be identified, other promotional ways are presented by the hospitality industry-and the variables are weighted differently for each person. That is, there's a lot of roads up there.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalDimensions of the Glass Ceiling in the Hospitality Industry [Summary]Summary