Li, Qian2018-08-032018-08-032018-08-02vt_gsexam:16592 thesis is an exploration of the ambiguous form. "Ambiguous" means having multiple interpretations. Usually, a figurative presentation will direct people to a particular thing. On the contrary, if familiarity is provided as the only way, people can find a deceptive scenario, and associate it with the corresponding space in his or her memory. This happens because the images stored in our minds are not very refined, especially the ones we see but do not remember deliberately. So we can say that the ambiguous form triggers our association and thinking. It could give us more affordance about architectural space. In addition, collage, an art of transforming fragments into a whole, is an essential approach for my thesis. The process involves disintegrating something first, analyzing it, then synthesizing the parts together. It is beautifulETDIn CopyrightArchitectureFormAmbiguousSpaceCollageFragmentsAmbiguous FormThesis