Nasr, W. W.Taaffe, Michael R.2014-03-052014-03-052013Walid W. Nasr and Michael R. Taaffe. Fitting the Pht/Mt/s/c Time-Dependent Departure Process for Use in Tandem Queueing Networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing 2013 25:4, 758-773. doi: 10.1287/ijoc.1120.05381091-9856 paper considers time-dependent Ph-t/M-t/s/c queueing nodes and small tandem networks of such nodes. We examine characteristics of the departure processes from a multiserver queueing node; in particular, we focus on solving for the first two time-dependent moments of the departure-count process. A finite set of partial moment differential equations is developed to numerically solve for the departure-count moments over specified intervals of time [t(i), t(i) + tau(i)). We also present a distribution fitting algorithm to match these key characteristics with a (Ph-t) over tilde process serving as the approximate departure process. A distribution fitting algorithm is presented for time-dependent point processes where a two-level balanced mixture of Erlang distribution is used to serve as the approximating process. We then use the (Ph-t) over tilde approximating departure process as the approximate composite arrival process to downstream node(s) in a network of tandem queues.application/pdfenIn CopyrightQueuesQueueingTandem queuesAlgorithmsPhase-type distributionNonstationary processesQueueing networksTime dependentTransientMixture of erlangsCount processMoment matchingArrival processesVarying demandServiceSystemsFitting the Ph-t/M-t/s/c Time-Dependent Departure Process for Use in Tandem Queueing NetworksArticle - Refereed Journal on Computing