Mulvaney, Michael J.2016-04-192016-04-192011Presented at SANREM annual meeting, Blacksburg, VA, 17-19 May 2011.5084_Soils_CCRA.pdf poster introduces the SANREM CRSP's Soil Quality and Carbon Sequestration Cross-Cutting Research Activity (CCRA) for Phase IV. The objectives of this research activity are to "quantify SOC in host country project sites before and after CAPS implementation, identify CAPS cropping systems or biophysical elements that improve soil fertility, and relate increased soil fertility to site-specific socioeconomic environments." (Author)application/ CopyrightCarbon sequestrationConservation agricultureSoil degradationSoil conservationSoil managementSoil fertilitySoil qualitySoilSoil organic matterGross-cutting researchCCRASANREM CRSPSoil analysisCAPSSOCField ScaleSANREM CRSP Soil Quality & Carbon Sequestration CCRAPoster