Jusic, Dragana2014-03-142014-03-142008-12-08etd-12222008-191557http://hdl.handle.net/10919/36400The flavor oscillations of neutrinos due to the mixing of mass eigenstates have been thoroughly studied in several experiments. One missing piece of the puzzle is the mixing angle θ13, which is being searched for by the Daya Bay experiment. Currently, the experiment is still in construction mode. Part of the experiment involves building effective detectors for atmospheric muons, resulting in accurate detection of antineutrinos from the source. To ensure accurate detection, we must effectively calibrate the PMTs with the use of carefully chosen and calibrated LEDs. This thesis details the study of several LEDs measured in an attempt to determine the properties of the most likely source for our calibration efforts. I measured the spectra of the LEDs meant for use in calibration, along with several others for the purpose of comparison of spectrum width and to find the evidence of fluorescence in the LEDs.In CopyrightCalibrationLEDSpectrumFluorescenceProperties of LEDs for the Calibration of PMTs for the Daya Bay ProjectThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-12222008-191557/