Miller, Janice E.2014-03-142014-03-141993etd-06192006-125737 E be an analytic metric space, let X be a separable metric space with a regular Borel probability measure μ and let Π: E → X be a continuous map with μ(X \ Π(E)) =0. Schwartz’s lemma states that there exists a Borel cross-section for Π defined almost everywhere (μ). The equivalence classes of these Borel cross-sections are in one-to-one correspondence with the representations of the form Γ:C<sub>b</sub>(E) → L<sup>∞</sup>(μ) with Γ(f∘Π) = f for every f ∈ C<sub>b</sub>(X). The representations are also in one-to-one correspondence with equivalence classes of the minimal measures on E. Now let E, X, and μ be as above and let Π: E → X be an onto Borel map. There exists a Borel cross-section for Π defined almost everywhere (μ). The equivalence classes of the Borel cross-sections for Π are in one-to-one correspondence with the representations of the form Γ:B(E) → L<sup>∞</sup>(μ) with Γ(f∘Π) = f for every f in C<sub>b</sub>(X), where B(E) is the C*-algebra of the bounded Borel functions on E. The representations are also in one-to-one correspondence with equivalence classes of the minimal measures on E.iv, 51 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1993.M556Representations of algebrasRepresentation theory, Borel cross-sections, and minimal measuresDissertation