Buell, Elyce N.2022-09-282022-09-282022-09-27vt_gsexam:35494http://hdl.handle.net/10919/112013Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly relevant during a period of hemorrhaging ecosystem goods and services. Restoring these would result in positive outcomes for public health and economic benefit. This thesis seeks to address two environmental concerns: (1) accurate soil mapping and (2) treatment of nitrogen to affect water quality change.The current method of soil mapping, SSURGO (USDA‐NRCS Soil survey), is often erroneous and misleading. Two studies in this dissertation are conducted to evaluate the potential that different resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) have to distribute soil characteristics successfully. These studies are conducted in southwest Virginia and western Vermont. The aforementioned studies evaluated 36 and 59 soil samples, respectively. Spatial characteristics, including slope, catchment area, and topographic wetness, are derived from several DEMs. In chapter 2, these characteristics are spatially compared, and we found that small resolution rasters result in narrow flow paths relative to coarser rasters. In chapter 3, we isolate the analysis to focus on resolution size, instead of a mix of both resolution size and generation method. This is done by recursively coarsening small rasters, deriving spatial attributes from said rasters and evaluating their potential to fit the soil characteristics of interest. Here we found that slopes generated from resolutions smaller than 11m were poor predictors of soil characteristics. Both chapters are finished by proposing and evaluating a soil map. Proposed regressions beat SSURGO in all investigated properties. Furthermore, proposed maps consistently beat out uninformed smallest resolution derived maps.Chesapeake bay water quality managers are struggling to achieve targets for nitrogen loading. This is in part due to the widespread presence of legacy nitrogen. Legacy nitrogen is an emerging issue, and springs exporting high levels of nitrogen are not uncommon in northern Virginia. This thesis explores, in part, a novel concept of treating large loads of nitrogen exported from a spring with a bioreactor. Bioreactors are a young science that most typically pair carbon heavy subterranean receptacles to agricultural drainage. This provides a location for nitrogen fixing bacteria to consume nitrate/nitrite, turning these into inert nitrogen gas. A spring fed bioreactor is studied for 10 months, and bioreactor conditions including influent and effluent nitrogen concentrations, bioreactor flow, and temperature are collected. A model driven by first order reaction equations is found to be most accurate with inputs of temperature and bioreactor age. The resulting marginal effects of these inputs were consistent with previously reported studies.ETDenIn CopyrightSoil Physical PropertiesDigital Elevation Model (DEM) ResolutionTopographic IndexSpecific Catchment AreaSlopebioreactorslegacy nitrogenbest management practicesImproved Environmental Characterization to Support Natural Resource Decision Making: (1) Distributed Soil Characterization, and (2) Treatment of Legacy NutrientsDissertation