Boulakia, StephaneHok, LydaPhally, K.Reyes, Manuel R.Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.Ella, Victor B.Edralin, Don Immanuel A.2016-04-192016-04-192012Presented at the 2012 National Council for Science and the Environment Conference: Environment and Security, Washington, D.C. 18-20 January6270_Poster_Washington_D_C_January_16_2012.pdf landscapes are expanding annually in Southeast Asia. Rural poverty in upland communities increases pressure on natural resources like forest, soil and water . These are the last “capital” for the poor and they are rapidly diminishing due to non-sustainable management. Such practices reduce agricultural productivity, which in turn heightens food insecurity and exacerbates poverty.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightFood securityConservation agricultureSoil qualityConservationSustainabilitySANREM CRSPWorld agroforestry centre (icraf),cooperation internationale en recherch agronomique pour le developpement (cirad)Agence francaise de developpement (afd)United states agency for international development (usaid) stylosanthesg. conservation agricultural production system (caps)Field ScaleConservation Agriculture for Food Security in Cambodia and the PhilippinesPosterCopyright 2012 by the SANREM CRSP. All rights reserved.