Bahadio, S.Boena, S.Roncoli, M. C.2016-04-192016-04-192000Submitted for publication in a special issue on "Anthropological Perspectives and Policy Implications of Climate Change Research", Climate Research, Fall 2000 only recordThis paper documents and discusses how farming households in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Burkina Faso have tried to adjust to a long-term shift towards drier climates, as well as coped with the consequences of a particularly severe drought during the farming season of 1997.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightDroughtSustainable developmentLivelihoodsRainfed agricultureFood securityClimate controlPovertyIncome diversificationRainfallEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Governance WatershedChallenges, contexts, constraints, and costs of coping with climate change in Sudano-Sahelian AfricaAbstract