Virginia TechGogan, BrianBelanger, Kelly R.Patriarca, Ashley S.O'Neill, Meagan2014-02-282014-02-282010-12Gogan, B.; Belanger, K.; Patriarca, A.; O'Neill, M. (2010). Research Centers as Change Agents: Reshaping Work in Rhetoric and Writing. College Composition and Communication 62(2), 336-363. article defines research centers as associative enterprises for solving scholarly and societal problems that cannot be adequately addressed by individuals. We identify more than fifty research centers in rhetoric and writing, past and present, and argue that they function as change agents by emphasizing collaboration and conducting research focused on publics.application/pdfenIn CopyrightserviceorganizationsResearch Centers as Change Agents: Reshaping Work in Rhetoric and WritingArticle - Refereed Composition and Communication