Koebel, C. TheodoreHardin, Brooke, D.2014-06-092014-06-091999-08C. Theodore Koebel and Brooke D. Hardin. "Partners in Housing: Virginia's Nonprofit Housing Sector," Virginia Center for Housing Research Blacksburg, VA 24061, Aug. 1999.http://hdl.handle.net/10919/48631Nonprofit housing organizations primarily exist to address the housing needs of low-income Virginians. This survey, conducted in 1998 through the leadership of VHDA, revealed a nonprofit housing sector that is maturing into an important component of housing markets throughout the state.31 pagesen-USIn Copyrightnonprofit housing sectorVirginiahousing needsPartners in Housing: Virginia's Nonprofit Housing SectorTechnical reporthttp://www.vchr.vt.edu/pdfreports/nonprofithous.pdf