Lodging Magazine2020-11-302020-11-302020-11-25http://hdl.handle.net/10919/100976Deloitte's Global State of the Consumer Tracker details a wave of customer confidence in leisure travel. These findings improve month by month as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses across the United States. Hotels and Americans continue to adapt to the ever changing safety requirements and attempt to weather the economic toll the pandemic is taking on their financial security. 18-34 year old's remain the hardest hit American age group to suffer from the economic downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)COVID-19Pandemic ResponseTravel IndustryLodging MagazineStimulus PackageDeloitte: Demand for Leisure Travel Picks UpArticlehttps://lodgingmagazine.com/deloitte-demand-for-leisure-travel-picks-up/