Virginia Cooperative ExtensionNiewolny, Kimberly L.Schmidt, KevinGroover, Gordon E.Smith, Maurice2021-10-212021-10-212021-02-19 Land Acquisitions and Tenure module is designed to help beginning farmers and ranchers develop and implement their farmland tenure and transfer goals as part of the whole farm plan. Established farmers who are planning for the transfer of their farm may also find this module useful.31 pagesapplication/pdfenVirginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, re-print, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.Farm ManagementAgrability ProgramFarm business managementVirginia Whole Farm Planning: An Educational Program for Farm Startup and Development, Land Acquisition and TenureExtension publication,%20Land%20Acquisition%20and%20Tenure%20and%20Developmenttenure systemsLandLand transfers