Wayne, Sean Patrick2015-06-232015-06-231994http://hdl.handle.net/10919/53389The following project is an enclosed ice skating facility located in Fairfax County, Virginia. The Ice Rink will be constructed to support and encourage all phases of skating activity including figure skating, hockey, and year ‘round recreational skating. Because there is only one other enclosed ice skating rink within a 60 mile radius and the demand for ice time at that rink is nearing capacity, the need for another facility is great. During the winter months, there is a diminished number of activities, especially for children. There, the creation of an ice rink becomes not only a catalyst for exercise and enjoyment, but it also provides relaxation and a place to gather and socialize. Fairfax County has already proposed locating a facility in Lake Fairfax Park. The project’s inclusion on the site requires a large number of parking spaces to accommodate ice rink patrons as well as support the existing buildings, future park construction, and other activities that will occur at Lake Fairfax Park. The project is intended to accommodate functions other than those involving ice skating. Included are a large number of offices that will provide space for the Park Authority management. A section of the building, near the main entrance, will act as a visitor’s center and provide information on all park activities and events. Overall, the project will support a variety of recreational activities and events and promote greater interest in Lake Fairfax Park and the surrounding area.ii, 22 leavesapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1994.W386Architecture by the edge of a lake: an enclosed skating facility for Lake Fairfax ParkThesis