Sterner, T.2016-04-192016-04-1920031-891853-13-9 only recordAs Thomas Sterner points out, the economic toolkit for dealing with environmental problems has become formidable. It includes taxes, charges, permits, deposit-refund systems, labeling, and other information disclosure mechanisms. Though not all these devices are widely used, empirical application has started within some sectors, and we are beginning to see the first systematic efforts at an advanced policy design that takes due account of market-based incentives.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightEcological restorationBiodiversityEcosystemPollution controlBiodiversity conservationEnvironmental and natural resource policyPolicy instrumentsRoad transportIndustrial pollutionEcosystemGovernancePolicy instruments for environmental and natural resource managementAbstractCopyright 2003 Resource for the Future