Virginia Tech. Electrical Engineering DepartmentDewolf, David A.2015-05-042015-05-041985Dewolf, D. A. (1985). COMPUTER-SIMULATION OF ELECTRON-BEAMS .1. SPACE-CHARGE ALGORITHM FOR ASYMMETRIC BEAMS. Journal of Applied Physics, 58(10), 3692-3698. doi: 10.1063/1.3356300021-8979 space_charge forces can be neglected in computer simulations of slowly curving quasilaminar electron beams. A particle mesh type algorithm for transverse space charge forces is developed, and great simplification in numerical calculation of asymmetric electron beams is demonstrated. Some typical examples for kinescope beams are discussed.application/pdfenIn CopyrightElectron beamsComputer simulationComputer simulation of electron beams. I. Space charge algorithm for asymmetric beamsArticle - Refereed of Applied Physics