Noparast, SoheylGuevara Vasquez, FernandoFrancoeur, MathieuRaeymaekers, Bart2025-02-172025-02-172024-04-082365-709X self-assembly (DSA) uses ultrasound waves to organize and orient particles dispersed in a fluid medium into specific patterns. Combining ultrasound DSA with vat photopolymerization (VP) enables manufacturing materials layer-by-layer, wherein each layer the organization and orientation of particles in the photopolymer is controlled, which enables tailoring the properties of the resulting composite materials. However, the particle packing density changes with time and location as particles organize into specific patterns. Hence, relating the ultrasound DSA process parameters to the transient local particle packing density is important to tailor the properties of the composite material, and to determine the maximum speed of the layer-by-layer VP process. This paper theoretically derives and experimentally validates a 3D ultrasound DSA model and evaluates the local particle packing density at locations where particles assemble as a function of time and ultrasound DSA process parameters. The particle packing density increases with increasing particle volume fraction, decreasing particle size, and decreasing fluid medium viscosity is determined. Increasing the particle size and decreasing the fluid medium viscosity decreases the time to reach steady-state. This work contributes to using ultrasound DSA and VP as a materials manufacturing process.14 page(s)application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationaltransientultrasound directed self-assemblyvat photopolymerizationviscosityMeasuring and Simulating the Transient Packing Density During Ultrasound Directed Self-Assembly and Vat Polymerization Manufacturing of Engineered MaterialsArticle - RefereedAdvanced Materials Technologies, Bart [0000-0001-5902-3782]2365-709X