Mach, Taylor Joseph2015-12-092015-12-092014-06-16vt_gsexam:2940 theoretical predictions of optical rotation are of substantial utility to the chemical community enabling the determination of absolute configuration without the need for poten- tially lengthy total synthesis. The requirements for robust calculation of gas-phase optical rotation are well understood, but too expensive for routine use. In an effort to reduce this cost we have examined the performance of the LPol and ORP basis sets, created for use in density functional theory calculations of optical rotation, finding that at the coupled cluster level of theory they perform the same or better than comparably sized general basis sets that are often used. We have also examined the performance of a perturbational approach to inclusion of explicit solvent molecules in an effort to extend the calculation of response properties from the gas phase to the condensed phase. This N-body approach performs admirably for interaction energies and even dipole moments but breaks down for optical rotation, exhibiting large basis set superposition errors and requiring higher-order terms in the expansion to provide reasonable accuracy. In addition, we have begun the process of implementing a gauge invariant version of coupled cluster response properties to address the fundamentally unphysical lack of gauge invariance in coupled cluster optical rotations. Correcting this problem, which arises from the non- variational nature of the coupled cluster wavefunction, involves reformulating the response amplitude and function expressions and solving for all necessary amplitudes simultaneously.ETDIn CopyrightOptical RotationCoupled ClusterGauge InvarianceN-BodyAccurate Prediction of Chiroptical PropertiesDissertation