Rafie, CarlinEngland, JulieDahl, WendyLynch, Wendy WoodZamojski, Kendra2020-01-132020-01-132019-02-12http://hdl.handle.net/10919/96408Diet Dilemmas: Fads, Facts and Fundamentals is a four session professional development webinar series developed by the Southeast Region Cooperative Extension Nutrition Specialists working group. Topics covered during the four webinar sessions were diet composition and popular diets including ketogenic, gluten-free, alkaline, vegetarian diets and intermittent fasting.application/pdfenIn Copyrightgluten freediet fadsdiet compositionketogenic dietintermittent fastingvegetarian dietsFood, Nutrition, and HealthDiet Dilemmas: Facts, Fads and FundamentalsWeb resource2020-01-13Rafie, Carlin [0000-0002-1402-5650]