Hawkins, Ross J.2019-10-222019-10-222019-09-30http://hdl.handle.net/10919/95027Guest speaker, Ross J. Hawkins, Assistant Director in the Academic Advisement Center at Missouri State University (MSU) will speaking to VT academic advisors to extol the benefits and importance of writing timely and thorough advising reports (notes) following student advising sessions. Ross has been a member of the Missouri Academic Advising Association (MACADA) and The Global Community for Academic Advising (NACADA) since 2005. At MSU, he serves as database administrator for the university advising notes system through which he can access all electronic advising notes and make revisions or deletions as necessary. During this event, Ross will discuss the importance of advising notes in supporting student success and participants will have opportunities to practice writing effective notes using a case study approach.Dimensions: 853 x 480Duration: 01:15:32Size: 757 MBvideo/mp4video/webmimage/jpegtext.mp4-en.vttenIn Copyrightstudent advisingEffective Advising Notes for Student SuccessPresentationVirginia Tech