Wieder, BrianPapili, KyleJain, SohilBekele, KidusMarin, DrewNguyen, Brian2022-05-092022-05-092022-05-07http://hdl.handle.net/10919/109970For this project, our job was to create a website to house the previous years’ case study presentations. To do this we needed to support all of the file types that could be submitted such as PowerPoint, a PDF document, an MP4 video, and a Google Slides link. These files also needed to be categorized to allow for searching based on a variety of categories. These categories include the date, topic, keywords, file format, etc. These files would form a repository of case studies for future CS3604 students to look at as they create their case study presentations. Students can build off these cases or create their own. Students then would submit their case studies directly to the website. To accomplish this we used AWS to deploy the website directly onto the Virginia Tech Digital Library Platform. The custom domain for the website can be found at casestudies.cs.vt.edu. The CS department has funded an AWS account for the website and 638 presentation files have been uploaded to the website. As a team, we tested the website to ensure that a specific presentation could be searched for and that the file was able to be accessed by the user.en-USAWSVTDLPLibraryCS3604WebsiteComputer ScienceSearchCapstoneReportPresentationCS3604 Case Study LibraryPresentation