Larson-Meyer, D. EnetteKrason, Reilly K.Meyer, Lindsey M.2023-01-092023-01-092022-03-012161-331110.1007/s13668-022-00395-3 (PII) of Review: Sports nutrition guidelines typically state that athletes desiring weight gain follow a regimen that includes increasing energy intake by ~ 300–500 kcal/day with an emphasis on adequate protein and carbohydrate and judicious inclusion of energy-dense foods, in combination with rigorous resistance training. This regimen is thought to promote weekly gains of ~ 0.45 kg (1 lb), mostly as lean body mass (LBM). This review summarizes the evidence supporting these intentional weight gain regimens in athletes. Recent Findings: Although some research has been conducted in the past 5 years, research on intentional weight gain is lacking. Summary: Currently, available data suggests that weekly weight gain of 0.45 kg (1 lb), primarily as LBM, may be difficult for some athletes to achieve. Available evidence, however, suggests that commonly recommended strategies to promote calorie surplus, including consuming larger portions, incorporating energy-dense foods, and prioritizing liquid over solid foods, may prove helpful.Pages 225-23915 page(s)application/pdfenIn CopyrightIntentional weight gainCalorie surplusEnergy surplusHypercaloric intakeMuscle hypertrophy, Resistance exerciseCarbohydrate supplementationProtein supplementationLiquid mealEnergy densityMeal frequencyMUSCLE PROTEIN-SYNTHESISBODY-COMPOSITIONENERGY-EXPENDITUREDIETARY-INTAKERESISTANCEHYPERTROPHYSTRENGTHVOLUMEADAPTATIONSSUPPLEMENTSHypercaloric intakeObesityNutritionHumansWeight GainBody CompositionEnergy IntakeMilitary PersonnelAthletesWeight Gain Recommendations for Athletes and Military Personnel: a Critical Review of the EvidenceArticle2023-01-07Current Nutrition Reports, Dawnine [0000-0001-9695-5474]352337122161-3311