Koebel, C. TheodorePapadakis, MariaHudson, EdCavell, Marilyn S.2014-06-092014-06-092003-10C. Theodore Koebel, Maria, Papadakis, Ed Hudson, and Marilyn Cavell. "The Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building Industry," Virginia Center for Housing Research Blacksburg, VA 24061, Oct. 2003.http://hdl.handle.net/10919/48651This assessment reports on a survey mailed to a national sample of residential homebuilders to assess how they receive and process housing technology information. The successful diffusion of innovations in the residential building industry has substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits to Americans. When the industry incorporates new technologies, techniques, and materials into construction practices, it is possible to improve energy efficiency, conserve natural and energy resource, increase the longevity of housing stock, and create more affordable housing. By knowing how and why innovations diffuse within the industry, it is possible to accelerate the technology adoption process though more effectively designed programs, demonstration projects, and policy incentives.93 pagesen-USIn Copyrightresidential buildingsinnovationaffordable housinghousing stockThe Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building IndustryTechnical reporthttp://www.vchr.vt.edu/pdfreports/Diffusion%20Report.pdf