Dunn, Kaitlin2020-09-162020-09-162020http://hdl.handle.net/10919/99971In this interview article, Vanessa Willon(Director of sales and marketing of Hilton National Mall) tells her experience after the pandemic how she went through changes at work and market and. She demonstrated what has been changed in the work environment. After furloughed her employees, she has to take multiple duties at work. Also in response to massive cancellations, she has to manage contracts to retain reservations in the future.en-USIn Copyrightpandemichiltonmanagementcovid-19workforcePandemic Experiences: Hilton National Mall’s Vanessa WilsonArticlehttps://global.hsmai.org/insight/pandemic-experiences-hilton-national-malls-vanessa-wilson/HSMAI Global