University of Missouri-St. LouisDuffey, Suellynn2016-09-132016-09-132015-11<i>Last Night I Dreamed of Peace: The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram</i> is a diary written by a North Vietnamese field physician serving in South Vietnam during the war we fought there who treated Vietnamese communists and nationalists whom American GIs had wounded. The diary was captured by an American GI, Fred Whitehurst, kept against military regulations, and held for thirty-five years because of the deep affection Whitehurst had developed for the diarist and his desire to return it to her family. After the family was finally found, the diary was published, first in Vietnam and subsequently in our country and eventually in many others. The stories of its finding, its long life in Whitehurst's possession, its return, and publication globally are significant stories of reconciliations across tense, conflictual boundaries.14 pagesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightVietnamReconciliationDiaryWhitehurstViSVeterans in SocietyRace and/or Reconciliation, the Third Conference on Veterans in Society<i>Last Night I Dreamed of Peace: The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram</i>. War, Writing, ReconciliationPresentationDuffey, Suellynn