CIRADTSBF-CIATZALFACTICARDAINERACIMMYTINRACSICWUCA2Africa2016-04-192016-04-192011 only recordThis website provides an overview of CA2Africa, a consortium of international partners (CIRAD, TSBF-CIAT, ZALF, ACT, ICARDA, INERA, CIMMYT, INRA, CSIC, WU) geared towards evaluating the impact and constraints to the adoption of Conservation Agriculture practices in Africa. Over 30 months, this project seeks to review past and present CA experiences in order to determine which programs and/or practices improve the socio-economic position of smallholders. This website provides access to case studies, products of this research, as well as links to additional CA resources relevant to Africa.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSocial impactsConservation agricultureEnvironmental impactsInstitutional capacity buildingEconomic impactsConservation tillageHealth impactsAdoption of innovationsAfricaLocal contextCase studiesImpact evaluationFarm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale GovernanceCA2Africa: Conservation Agriculture in Africa - Analysing and FoReseeing its Impact - Comprehending its AdoptionAbstractCopyright 2011 CA2Africa - Adèmes - CIRAD Persyst