Honerkamp, Yasine2020-04-062020-04-062020-04-06http://hdl.handle.net/10919/97537There is limited research published on the significance of volunteer tourism in assisting host communities in the recovery of a tourism destination and its industry after a disaster. Our paper addresses this research gap with reference to a case study of Nepal's tourism recovery after the country's 2015 earthquake. We argue that a clear post disaster volunteer tourism framework could validate volunteer tourism's potential role to ensure that communities do not miss out on any form of assistance that may be of use in re-establishing destination or community lifestyle. Our paper provides an initial exploratory understanding of how post disaster volunteer tourism might be effective; it uses a disaster management framework to conceptualize the phenomenon.enCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalvoluntourismEngaging volunteer tourism in post-disaster recovery in Nepal [Summary]Summary