Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Wood Science & Forest ProductsPowell River ProjectMuench, JohnFrame, Elvin D.Deal, Earl L.Haley, JerryPorter, James K.Smith, Thomas K.Johnson, Thomas G.Muench, John2014-09-042014-09-041989 proceedings highlight the potential for the establishment of a construction lumber industry based on yellow-poplar in Southwest Virginia and the new capital investments and innovations in production and marketing that would be needed to make it a success.80 pagesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLiriodendron tulipifera – CongressesLumber trade – CongressesProceedings of a Symposium on Yellow-Poplar Construction Lumber: an Emerging Development Opportunity for Southwest VirginiaYellow-Poplar Construction Lumber: an Emerging Development Opportunity for Southwest VirginiaConference proceeding