Virginia TechOutlaw, R. A.Brock, F. J.Wightman, James P.2014-05-142014-05-141974Outlaw, R. A.; Brock, F. J.; Wightman, J. P., "Physical interaction of nitrogen with Pyrex, stainless-steel, and nickel at very low-pressure," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 11, 446 (1974); physical adsorption of nitrogen on the surfaces of Pyrex, 347 stainless steel, and polycrystallinenickel was investigated over the pressure range 1×10−12–3×10−7 Torr and for the temperatures 77.4 and 87.4 °K. The metal surfaces were prepared by vacuum firing, by chemical cleaning, and, following bakeout, by electron impact desorption (EID). Work function measurements were used to indicate changes in the surface condition following electron bombardment, and a mass spectrometer was used to monitor gas composition. The isotherms revealed that the stainless surface was very heterogeneous and that the Pyrex surface area had a roughness factor of 1.7. Nitrogen isotherms were also taken on the metal surfaces after they had been exposed to oxygen. Very little change in physical adsorption on the nickel was detected, presumably because the chemisorbed oxygen was incorporated into the bulk. The chemical adsorption of N2 on nickel at room temperature and below was not observed.application/pdfenIn Copyrightphysics, appliedPhysical interaction of nitrogen with Pyrex, stainless-steel, and nickel at very low-pressureArticle - Refereed of Vacuum Science & Technology