Power, Sarah Nicole2020-12-112020-12-112019-06-19vt_gsexam:20061http://hdl.handle.net/10919/101078Primary productivity is a fundamental ecological process and an important measure of ecosystem response to environmental change. Currently, there is a considerable lapse in our understanding of primary productivity in hot and cold deserts, due to the difficulty of measuring production in cryptogam vegetation. However, remote sensing can provide long-term, spatially-extensive estimates of primary production and are particularly well suited to remote environments, such as in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) of Antarctica, where cyanobacterial communities are the main drivers of primary production. These microbial communities form multi-layered sheets (i.e., microbial mats) on top of desert pavement. The cryptic nature of these communities, their often patchy spatial distribution, and their ability to survive desiccation make assessments of productivity challenging. I used field-based surveys of microbial mat biomass and pigment chemistry in conjunction with analyses of multispectral satellite data to examine the distribution and activity of microbial mats. This is the first satellite-derived estimate of microbial mat biomass for Antarctic microbial mat communities. I show strong correlations between multispectral satellite data (i.e., NDVI) and ground based measurements of microbial mats, including ground cover, biomass, and pigment chemistry. Elemental (C, N) and isotopic composition (15N, 13C) of microbial mats show that they have significant effects on biogeochemical cycling in the soil and sediment of this region where they occur. Using these relationships, I developed a statistical model that estimates biomass (kg of C) in selected wetlands in the Lake Fryxell Basin, Antarctica. Overall, this research demonstrates the importance of terrestrial microbial mats on C and N cycling in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.ETDIn CopyrightAntarcticabiogeochemistrymicrobial matmultispectral imageryremote sensingMicrobial Mat Abundance and Activity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, AntarcticaThesis