Serpa, Priscila B. S.Corriveau, Lorraine A.Santos, Andrea P.2022-03-042022-03-042022-01-010275-6382 pet rat (Rattus novergicus) was diagnosed with sarcoma after cytologic and histologic evaluation of a subcutaneous, ventrally-located abdominal mass. Immunohistochemistry revealed neoplastic cells positive for Iba-1 and CD204, indicating a final diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma. The tumor was aggressive and spread in a few weeks, leading to humane euthanasia.application/pdfenIn CopyrightIHChistiocytic sarcomaintegumentmesenchymal tumorsubcutaneousVeterinary Sciences0608 Zoology0707 Veterinary SciencesWhat is your diagnosis? Abdominal mass in a ratArticle2022-03-04Veterinary Clinical Pathology Silva Serpa, Priscila Beatriz [0000-0001-6073-2172]351659091939-165X