Virginia TechAbe, Y.Aberle, C.dos Anjos, J. C.Barriere, J. C.Bergevin, M.Bernstein, A.Bezerra, T. J. C.Bezrukhov, Leonid B.Blucher, E.Bowden, N. S.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Caden, E.Camilleri, LeslieCarr, Rachel E.Cerrada, M.Chang, P. J.Chimenti, P.Classen, T.Collin, A. P.Conover, E.Conrad, Janet M.Crespo-Anadon, J. I.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A. S.D'Agostino, M. V.Damon, E.Dawson, J. V.Dazeley, S.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, ZelimirDracos, M.Durand, V.Ebert, J.Efremenko, Y.Elnimr, M.Etenko, A.Fallot, M.Fechner, M.von Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Franco, D.Franke, A. J.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gama, R.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Goger-Neff, M.Gonzalez, L. F. G.Goodman, M. C.Goon, J. T. M.Greiner, D.Haag, N.Hagner, C.Hara, T.Hartmann, F. X.Haser, J.Hatzikoutelis, A.Hayakawa, T.Hofmann, M.Horton-Smith, Glenn A.Hourlier, A.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jones, C. L.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L. N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D. M.Kawasaki, T.Keefer, G.Kemp, Kerret, H.Kibe, Y.Konno, T.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, TobiasLane, C. E.Langbrandtner, C.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H. P.Lindner, M.Lopez-Castano, J. M.LoSecco, J. M.Lubsandorzhiev, B. K.Lucht, S.McKee, D.Maeda, J.Maesano, C. N.Mariani, CamilloMaricic, JelenaMartino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Miyata, H.Mueller, T. A.Nagasaka, Y.Nakajima, K.Novella, P.Obolensky, M.Oberauer, L.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Ostrovskiy, I.Palomares, C.Pepe, I. M.Perasso, S.Perrin, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Potzel, W.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Remoto, A.Roehling, M.Roncin, R.Roth, S.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Sato, F.Schoenert, S.Schoppmann, S.Schwetz, T.Shaevitz, Marjorie HansenShimojima, S.Shrestha, D.Sida, J. L.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.Smith, E.Spitz, JoshuaStahl, A.Stancu, IonStokes, Lee F. F.Strait, M.Stuken, A.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Toups, M.Thi, H. H. T.Valdiviesso, G. A.Veyssiere, C.Wagner, S.Watanabe, H.White, B.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Worcester, M.Wurm, M.Yermia, F.Zimmer, V.Double Chooz, Collaboration2013-12-182013-12-182012-09-18Abe, Y. ; Aberle, C. ; dos Anjos, J. C. ; et al., SEP 18 2012. “Reactor (nu)over-bar(e) disappearance in the Double Chooz experiment,” PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86(5): 052008. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.0520081550-7998 Double Chooz experiment has observed 8249 candidate electron antineutrino events in 227.93 live days with 33.71 GW-ton-years (reactor power X detector mass X live time) exposure using a 10.3 m(3) fiducial volume detector located at 1050 m from the reactor cores of the Chooz nuclear power plant in France. The expectation in case of theta(13) = 0 is 8937 events. The deficit is interpreted as evidence of electron antineutrino disappearance. From a rate plus spectral shape analysis we find sin(2)2 theta(13) = 0.109 +/- 0.030(stat) +/- 0.025(syst). The data exclude the no-oscillation hypothesis at 99.8% CL (2.9 sigma).application/pdfenIn Copyrightneutron fission-productsenergyspectrapu-239Astronomy & AstrophysicsPhysicsReactor (nu)over-bar(e) disappearance in the Double Chooz experimentArticle - Refereed Review D