The World BankGEFABC (American Bird Conservancy)LEADCIPAV (Centre For Research on Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems)CATIE (Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza)NITLAPAN2016-04-192016-04-192007-02-16 only recordThe Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management Project introduces the payment for environmental services approach to silvopastoral farmers in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. The objectives of the project are to "demonstrate and measure a) the effects the introduction of payment incentives for environmental services to farmers on their adoption of integrated silvopastoral farming systems in degraded pasture lands; and b) the resulting improvements in eco-systems functioning, global environmental benefits, and local socio-economic gains resulting from the provision of said services." This will be done by strengthening local development organizations, monitoring ecological services and economic benefits, creating a services payment system, and supporting policy formulation.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightPayments for environmental servicesGrazingTropical zonesForest ecosystemsAgroforestryAgricultural ecosystemsBiodiversity conservationSilvopastureColombiaCosta RicaNicaraguaRegional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management ProjectAbstract