Anggakusuma, DentaKurniawan, IwanRahmanulloh, ArifDahlia, Lia2016-04-192016-04-192008Brochure distributed in Katuk Vegetable Post Harvest Training, Nanggung, Bogor, Indonesia 2 June 2008.3729_Kurniwan_brochure_Katuk.pdf (Sauropus androgynus) or sweet leaf is an indigenous species from Asia, and mostly found in India, Malaysia and Indonesia. It's not only consumed as food but also used for medication and to increase and accelerate mother's breast milk since it contain calorie, protein, mineral, carbohydrate, vitamin A, B1, C, and antioxidant. The brochure is created to give information and brief guideline especially for the smallholder farmer in developing Katuk and the marketing potency. It explained about general description of Katuk, technical guide to plan the stem, marketing of the product and financial analysis. The average yield per hectare mostly ranges at 3 ' 4 tons and first harvest period is starts in the age of 3-4 months. Based on the financial analysis of Katuk intercropping with Cassava in Ciampea sub district, Bogor resulted that net income from Katuk intercropping with cassava in the area of 500 m2 is IDR 16, 445,298 per year. The potential markets for Katuk leaf are Tangerang, Bekasi and Jakarta, and also medicine producer in Bandung, West Java. The price is range from IDR 10,000 ' 15,000 per kilogram.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightKatukCultivationEconomic analysesMarketingBudidaya katuk dan prospek pemasarannyaKatuk cultivation and its marketing prospectsFact sheet