Hyres, ThomasTea, ZacharyYang, TedGray, PhilippeSpringsteen, TimothyBierly, Alex2017-05-122017-05-122017-04-28http://hdl.handle.net/10919/77609The main project deliverable was a website for R4 OpSec (r4opsec.com). The purpose of this website is to display information about the company’s services and be able to accept résumés for new hires. The company is owned by Joe Romagnoli and is based in Chantilly, VA. The company works in the field of background investigation checks for the federal, state, and local government, as well as the civilian sector. The background investigation process starts with a company or a government agency reaching out to independent companies that handle an investigation of a new hire to that company. A background investigation usually includes verifying identity, past employment, credit history, and criminal history. The process can take anywhere from a week to a month, depending on how quickly the company is able to verify a person’s information given what the person provides to the company (i.e., proof of past education, W2 forms, date of birth, etc.). The website has a home landing page that displays images and text. There is a section explaining what services the company provides. Another section to display a simple about-us description. Finally, there is a button that brings a user to another page to upload a résumé. There is an admin login page, too, where employees at R4 OpSec can view past submissions. An admin can download the résumé, delete the submission information, search past submissions, or mark submissions as “pending”, “accepted”, or “rejected”. The admin is also able to create new admin accounts, edit their email address, or change their password from the same screen. The client needed the website to be fully functional in about 90 days. The client did not have a basic design in mind. Though, the client did provide a basic website that we could reference for when we were thinking of designs for this website. In November, the client had purchased a year subscription from GoDaddy.com to host his website. We did raise concerns we thought the client should know about when it comes to shared web hosting, which we shall discuss in the report (Section 3.2.5). Lastly, the client wanted to make sure that this project would be expandable, and in the future, other groups or employees of R4 OpSec would be able to build upon what we delivered.en-USIn CopyrightHTMLJavaScriptCSSPHPMySQLGoDaddyBackground Check for R4 OpSec, LLCPresentation