Buckles, D.Triomphe, B.Sain, G.2016-04-192016-04-1919980-88936-841-4http://hdl.handle.net/10919/66175Metadata only recordThe book begins, in Chapter 1, by tracing the movement of velvetbean and the knowledge of its uses from Asia to northern Honduras and noting the conditions under which velvetbean practice has waxed and waned in various parts of the world. Basic botanical features of Mucuna spp. and their historical uses in the United States and elsewhere are described.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoil degradationSoil managementNutrient recyclingSoil fertilityMucunaVelvetbeanHondurasHillside cultivationFarmer evaluationEconomic impactsEcosystem Farm/Enterprise ScaleCover Crops in Hillside Agriculture: Farmer Innovation with MucunaAbstractCopyright 1995 - 2005 International Development Research Centre