Gupta, Aparna2019-07-102019-07-102019-07-09vt_gsexam:21065 the explainability of results from machine learning methods has become an important research goal. In this thesis, we have studied the problem of making clusters more interpretable using a recent approach by Davidson et al., and Sambaturu et al., based on succinct representations of clusters. Given a set of objects S, a partition of S (into clusters), and a universe T of descriptors such that each element in S is associated with a subset of descriptors, the goal is to find a representative set of descriptors for each cluster such that those sets are pairwise-disjoint and the total size of all the representatives is at most a given budget. Since this problem is NP-hard in general, Sambaturu et al. have developed a suite of approximation algorithms for the problem. We also show applications to explain clusters of genomic sequences that represent different threat levelsETDIn Copyrightclusteringinteger programmingFinding Succinct Representations For ClustersThesis