Tang, Philip Jen-chien2021-08-062021-08-061953etd-07102010-020021http://hdl.handle.net/10919/1045911. The reactions of monochlormethyl ether with the magnesium cadmium and zinc derivatives of normal propyl and isopropyl halides were investigated. 2. In both the normal propyl and iso-propyl aeries, the yields of the expected condensation products RCH₂OCH₃ appeared in the order RMgX>R₂Zn>R₂Cd. 3. The primary organometallic compounds reacted with monochlormethyl ether in higher yields than did the corresponding secondary compounds. 4. A new method was developed for preparing a zinc-copper couple by heating a mixture of zinc dust and powdered cupric citrate under an atmosphere of nitrogen. 5. This method gave a couple superior in laboratory use to the zinc-copper couples how generally employed.BTDIn CopyrightOrganometallic compounds.LD5655.V855 1953.T363The reaction of monochloromethyl ether with organometallic compoundsThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-07102010-020021/