van der Hoeven, Gustaaf A.2018-03-262018-03-261976 study shows how the natural landscape of a region--the Great Plains--evolved over a long period of time through natural processes and was modified in a relatively short period, approximately one hundred years, into a cultural landscape. With understanding and appreciation of the processes involved, such landscapes can be used as a basis to restore and maintain a functional regional landscape. A case study of Kansas and a summary of information for people responsible for the landscape is given so that their efforts will result in a landscape which is ecologically sound and esthetically pleasing. The dissertation is concluded with an inquiry into the practical feasibility of national landscape parks and a theoretical outline of the methodology for creating a functional landscape.xii, 318 leavesapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1976.V35Factors influencing the use of plant material to develop a functional regional landscape in the Great PlainsDissertation