Virginia TechHudait, Mantu K.Zhu, Y.Maurya, DeepamPriya, Shashank2014-01-212014-01-212013-03-01Hudait, M. K.; Zhu, Y.; Maurya, D.; et al., "Energy band alignment of atomic layer deposited HfO2 on epitaxial (110)Ge grown by molecular beam epitaxy," Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 093109 (2013); band alignment properties of atomic layer HfO2 film deposited on epitaxial (110)Ge, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, was investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy exhibited a sharp interface between the (110)Ge epilayer and the HfO2 film. The measured valence band offset value of HfO2 relative to (110)Ge was 2.28 +/- 0.05 eV. The extracted conduction band offset value was 2.66 +/- 0.1 eV using the bandgaps of HfO2 of 5.61 eV and Ge bandgap of 0.67 eV. These band offset parameters and the interface chemical properties of HfO2/(110)Ge system are of tremendous importance for the design of future high hole mobility and low-power Ge-based metal-oxide transistor devices. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. []application/pdfenIn CopyrightLogic applicationsStrained-siHigh-speedChannelsGEEnhancementMobilityStatesPhysicsEnergy band alignment of atomic layer deposited HfO2 on epitaxial (110)Ge grown by molecular beam epitaxyArticle - Refereed Physics Letters