Ishida, Yuki2024-08-202024-08-202024-08-19 project investigates the economic and environmental impacts of biofuel production on US farmers and the food market. With the rising importance of renewable energy, biofuels derived from corn and soybeans have gained prominence due to policies like the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This study aims to (1) assess the economic effects on US farmers, including changes in income, crop prices, and land use, (2) evaluate the environmental impacts, focusing on greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, and water use, (3) identify the implications for the US food market, including food prices and availability, and (4) explore the policy implications for supporting sustainable biofuel production while ensuring food security. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, analyzing academic articles, policy reports, and empirical studies. The findings reveal that biofuel production has led to higher crop prices and increased farm revenues, particularly benefiting corn and soybean producers. However, these economic benefits are unevenly distributed, with smaller farms facing challenges. Environmentally, while biofuels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the associated land-use changes can negate these benefits. Sustainable agricultural practices are essential to mitigate negative environmental impacts. The food market analysis indicates that biofuel production has contributed to higher food prices, raising concerns about food security. The study recommends policies supporting diverse farms, promoting sustainable practices, and balancing biofuel production with food security needs. Additionally, fostering industry-university partnerships and utilizing cooperative extension programs can enhance information dissemination and support sustainable biofuel production practices. This research underscores the need for a balanced approach to biofuel production that considers both economic and environmental sustainability.application/pdfenThe economic and environmental impact of Biofuel on US farmers and the food marketMaster's project