Qamar, M.K.Crowder, L.V.Rivera, W. M.2016-04-192016-04-192001 only recordThis paper covers extension institutional reform initiatives involving both market-and non-market reforms, as well as initiatives for non-farm rural development, with an emphasis at all times on stakeholder, and especially end-user, participation in the approaches employed in these reforms. The initiatives draw on recent agricultural extension reform measures taken in various high-income, middle-income and low-income countries. The focus, however, is on reform measures that promote food security and poverty alleviation among small holders in low-income countries. The reform initiatives call for:text/plainen-USIn CopyrightStakeholdersNongovernmental organizations (NGOs)Food securityInstitutional capacity buildingMarketsPovertyDecentralizationCommunity participationExtension serviceAgricultureInstitutional reformPoverty alleviationGrassrootsEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale GovernanceAgricultural and rural extension worldwide: Options for institutional reform in the developing countriesAbstractCopyright 2001 FAO