Poitevien, Jessica2021-04-082021-04-082021-02-22http://hdl.handle.net/10919/102981Since last May and the death of George Floyd, there has been much talk about changes being made within the hospitality and tourism industry about being more inclusive and diverse in the mix of travelers and travel providers. There is a desire to see more Black travelers speak at conferences. To that point, it is also desired that Black speakers be able to speak about topics other than race and equality.application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)Black Lives MatterDiversityInclusionBlack Travelers AllianceBlack owned tour operatorsDelta AirlinesOneTenUnited Voice in Travel and HospitalityHave the Travel Industry's Inclusivity Efforts Made a Difference?Articlehttps://www.cntraveler.com/story/have-the-travel-industrys-inclusivity-efforts-made-a-difference