Wolf, Baron G.Miles, Rachel A.2024-08-022024-08-022024-08https://hdl.handle.net/10919/120835Over the past six years, the INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group has worked closely with groups across the academic sector to help them use the SCOPE Framework in their own research evaluation exercises. In 2023, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded a grant (grant number: LG-254850-OLS-23) to Dr. Baron Wolf, Assistant Vice President for Research and Director for Research Analytics at the University of Kentucky, and Co-PI Rachel Miles, Research Impact Coordinator at Virginia Tech University Libraries, to workshop the SCOPE Framework in the US at a two-day, in-person forum that brought together librarians, researchers, university administrators, and research managers and provided formal training in making strategic decisions using research evaluation methods. The forum took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 13-14, 2024 (https://evaluationforum.uky.edu).application/pdfenIn CopyrightResponsible Research Evaluation 2024: Summary of the SCOPE WorkshopArticleMiles, Rachel [0000-0002-8834-4304]