Ager, Kathleen Elaine2016-04-212016-04-211967 study compared the creasing qualities of two types of 65/35% polyester/cotton broadcloth fabrics. The wash-wear fabric (pink) had been finished by a conventional pre-cure method and the permanent-press fabric (white) by a post-cure or delayed-cure method which requires a final oven-cure after fabrication. Equal numbers of creased and non-creased specimens from both fabrics were evaluated for crease retention, Accelerator abrasion resistance, and breaking strength. These specimens were evaluated in the original form and after one, three, and nine launderings. The crease appearances were rated by a panel of three judges and it was found that all creases of both fabrics whether new or laundered were very similar. The samples for both fabrics were abraded for 0, 1, 1-1/2, and 2 minutes. The wash-wear fabric had significantly better abrasion resistance than did the permanent-press. The initial abrasion, abrasion up to 1 minute in duration; caused greater effects on the original wash-wear and permanent-press samples in relation to breaking strength than did successive abrasion periods. More changes occurred in the first minute of abrasion when the fabric was softened and the cotton fibers were beginning to be abraded or teased. The breaking strengths of the two fabrics were significantly different only at the .05 level which tends to indicate the permanent-press fabric may be weaker than the conventional wash-wear fabric of a similar weight. The laundering cycles tended to cause a decrease in breaking strength of the test specimens. The permanent-press fabric's strength was more affected than was that of the wash-wear fabric.73 leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1967.A33Textile fabricsThe effects of permanent creasing on two types of 65/35 polyester- cotton blends as measured by appearance, abrasion resistance and breaking strengthThesis