Boyle, Grady John2023-10-122023-10-122023-10-11vt_gsexam:38467 (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii), a keystone species in western Washington, faces threats on plantations across this region from the invasive species Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link), whose invasions on recently established stands can lead to mortality of Douglas-fir through overtopping. The susceptibility of sites to Scotch broom achieving dominance over Douglas-fir has been demonstrated as highly site dependent, however the site conditions that cause this have not yet been identified. Scotch broom has a demonstrated average maximum height of 3m, thus, after Douglas-fir exceeds this height, its risk of being overtopped is significantly reduced. This thesis strives to identify sites that were at the greatest risk Douglas-fir being overtopped by Scotch broom by first, identifying what factors improved growth of Douglas-fir during the period when they are at the greatest risk, and second, identifying factors that led to Douglas-fir outcompeting Scotch broom on sites they cohabitated. In Chapter 1, we utilized LiDAR scans, Soil Survey Geographic Database characteristics, and management histories to identify conditions that improved growth for Douglas-fir in ages 3-8. Individual tree detection was used to measure Douglas-fir heights, and a correction algorithm for LiDAR measured young Douglas-fir heights was established from field validation data. We identified that young Douglas-fir had improved growth on sites with lower elevation, flatter slopes, and finer textured soils. The factors identified were then transformed into four potential site index models based on mean stand elevation class, Mean stand elevation class and clay class, textural class and slope class, and textural class and Mean stand elevation class. In Chapter 2, we used paired field plots to examine Douglas-fir and Scotch broom competition on 19 sites across western Washington. Each site had 2 plots with only Douglas-fir and 2 plots with Douglas-fir and Scotch broom. Elevation, soil texture, and soil nutrient composition for carbon, nitrogen and available phosphorous were examined for influence on height and growth rate of both species. We identified that Scotch broom presence was negatively related to Douglas-fir height growth and that sites with either higher percentages of silt, lower concentrations of phosphorous, or higher percentages of Carbon were more likely to have growth patterns close to or exceeding Scotch broom.ETDenIn CopyrightSite indexLiDARearly-term site indexcompetitionPseudotsuga menziesiiSSURGOtextural classparticle sizephosphorouscarbonnitrogenelevationslopeEstimating site susceptibility to Scotch broom dominance in young Douglas-fir plantations for control prioritization in western Washington, USAThesis