Weaver, Rachel L.Londoño, Felipe CesarMejía, G. Mauricio2018-01-272018-01-272017-06-13978-958-759-161-3http://hdl.handle.net/10919/81944A presentation of collaborations with indigenous groups harnessing moving image media in non-commercial capacities and for creative revelation of struggle. Weaver has worked as a facilitator of creative decolonizing workshops within indigenous communitites. She has co-created experimental oral history and ecological documentary projects with Alaska Native groups, and is currently partnering with Maya communities on media art projects addressing struggles for tribal land rights in Belize.152 - 152 (1) page(s)Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalVideo ArtIndigeneityIndigenous MediaNew Media ArtVideo Art and Indigenous CollaborationsConference proceedingThe Author(s)Catalogue of the 23rd International Symposium on Electronic ArtsWeaver, RL [0000-0002-4816-3082]